Lewis House – Eagan and Hastings:
“Emergency safe housing for women and their children. Safety planning, information and referral, individual support as well as support groups for women (domestic and sexual violence) as well as children and youth (domestic and sexual violence), community resources for individuals experiencing abuse (emotional, physical and sexual), advocates walk with survivors through the legal process, helping fill out orders for protection, attending court hearings and providing information and legal advocacy.”
Eligibility: “Women who have been or are in fear of being physically, sexually and/or emotionally abused, and their children.”
Email: info@360communities.org
Eagan Phone Number: 651-452-7288 (Answered 24/7)
Hastings Phone Number: 651-437-1291 (Answered 24/7)
Tubman Shelter:
“Emergency shelter, food and clothing for abused individuals and their children. Advocacy, information and referral to community resources is provided. Support and safety planning for guests. Works with guests to have them board or foster pets while in the shelter.”
Eligibility: “Abused people of all genders and their children. No residency requirements apply.”
1725 Monastery Way, Maplewood 55109
Phone: 612-825-3333 (Intake)
612-825-0000 (Crisis Hotline, answered 24/7)
Alexandra House:
“Can accommodate up to 35 women and children at a time. Average length of stay is 19 days, but staff work with each client on an individual basis to help meet their needs and secure housing. Advocated work with resident women, offering support and connecting them to community resources such as economic assistance, education/job training, and medical services. Over half of the residents are children. Advocated and volunteers work with children in partnership with moms to provide services for the family. Staff work with children on child abuse, safety planning, self-esteem, and sexual abuse. In addition, special activities and outings are planned regularly for the children to provide free time for moms to plan for the future and fun for the kids. Offers an on-site school. Teachers work with children in the shelter in a classroom setting, allowing children to maintain a daily routine in a safe environment while staying current with class work.”
Eligibility: “Adult female domestic and sexual violence victims and their youth (up to age 18) who are in need of emergency shelter services for safety. Offers alternative safety options to male victims.”
10065 3rd Street NE, Blaine 55434
Email: info@alexandrahouse.org
Phone: 763-780-9696 (intake)
763-780-2330 (Crisis line, answered 24/7)
Casa De Esperanza:
“Provides safe shelter to Latinas and other women and children in crisis due to domestic violence. The length of stays are varied but typically no more than 30 days. Works with Animal Ark to find foster care for pets when someone needs to go into a domestic abuse shelter.”
Email: info@casadeesperanza.org
Phone: 651-772-1611 (Bilingual Crisis line, answered 24/7)
651-646-5553 (Office number)
McLeod Alliance for Victims of Domestic Violence:
“Temporary shelter for victims of domestic violence. Crisis helpline, safety planning, assistance in obtaining Criminal Temporary Protective Orders, Emergency Protective Orders, Permanent Restraining Orders, Stalking/Harassment Orders, and Temporary Restraining Orders, legal information and advocacy, support group, transportation, information and referral, community education, systems coordination, and emergency assistance.”
Email: advocate@hutchtel.net
Phone: 320-234-7933
HOPE Center – Faribault:
“Drop-in center for those whose lives have been affected by sexual or domestic violence. 24-hour support and advocacy, legal advocacy, support groups (women only), resource library, community education, violence prevention and protection planning, temporary safe housing, assistance with orders for protection.”
Eligibility: “Services for male or female survivors of sexual or domestic violence and their friends and families. Support group is for women only.”
1003 7th Street NW, Faribault 55021
Email: klynn@hopecentermn.org
Phone: 800-607-2330 (24 hours SafeLine and/or Intake number)
507-332-0882 (standard intake number)
Mid – Minnesota Women’s Center:
“Services for individuals who have experienced domestic abuse/violence. Emergency residential women’s shelter with no-cost services for women and their children. 24-hour crisis line, support groups, community education, resource and referral, and non-residential service for safety planning, support resource/referral, emotional support, courtroom support, and information.”
Eligibility: “Individuals experiencing domestic abuse/violence; shelter provides services to women, men, children, and all gender identifications; residential shelter is for women and children.”
2602 Oak Street, Brainerd 56401
Email: info@womencenteronline.org
Phone: 888-777-1248 (Hotline answered 24/7)
218-828-1216 (Intake answered 24/7)
Women’s Advocates Domestic Violence Shelter:
“Provides emergency housing for women and children who have been or are victims of abuse. The following services are also available: Community social service referrals to counseling, welfare, health programs, legal assistance, housing and other shelters, client advocacy, employment information, housing information, health care clinic is available for women and children staying at the shelter, legal information and assistance to shelter residents in writing and filing Orders of Protection, finding legal resources, and accompanying to court for child protection hearings, support groups, transportation, and safety clinics.”
Eligibility: “Battered women and their children. Primarily serves Anoka, Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Hennepin, Isanti, Ramsey, Scott and Washington counties.”
588 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul 55102
Email: resources@wadvocated.org
Phone: 651-227-8284 (Intake and crisis line answered 24/7)
Eagle’s Nest Shelter – Women of Nations:
“Shelter from domestic violence for women and their children. Provides culturally appropriate support and advocacy services for all battered women and culturally specific services for Native American battered women. Provides advocacy and transportation to social services, medical appointments, court, child protection, educational systems, and appointments on behalf of youth. Support groups and activities planned by staff.”
Eligibility: “All battered women and their children with a focus on the needs of the Native Americans and women who want to leave prostitution.”
Email: info@women-of-nations.org
Phone: 877-209-1266 (24-Hour Crisis Line)
651-251-1608 (Intake/Shelter Office)
Sojourner Shelter:
“This shelter is a secure, temporary emergency residence for women and their children, unsafe in their own homes dues to violence and abuse. The shelter provides programming and services designed to promote healing and assist residents with personal planning to achieve increased safety for themselves and their children. Support and life skills groups, children’s programming and transportation assistance enhance individualized case management services. Transition support is also available to assist residents as they re-enter the community.”
Email: info@sojournerproject.org
Phone: 952-933-7422 (Intake and Crisis Line, answered 24/7)
Cornerstone – Emergency Shelter:
“Emergency shelter and basic needs for any victim in imminent danger of domestic violence, sexual violence, or human trafficking. Also assists with crisis intervention, information and resource referrals. Has an arrangement with local veterinarian clinic to provide shelter for victims’ dogs and cats while the person is in the program.”
1000 East 80th Street, Bloomington 55420
Email: info@cornerstonemn.org
Phone: 866-223-1111 (Crisis Line and Intake, answered 24/7)
Text line: text 612-399-9995
Chat online via link below.
Updated 8/4/2021